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Encouragement for Your Inbox

Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

What happens when we put our faith in Christ

“We know that all things work together for good to them that love God.” (Romans 8:28) As women of faith, this is knowledge we cling to and cherish. Sister Kristin M. Yee said, “Faith in Christ is a choice we can make.” We can strengthen faith so that we can feel His constant peace.

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

Showing up for others in hard times and good times

When tragedy strikes, or when offering help in general, we can look at what circle we’re in for someone as we’re trying to figure out how to be helpful. This can prompt ideas so we act instead of feeling helpless and wondering what in the world we can possibly do.  

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

Hope for when a door closes

When a tree falls across our life path, sometimes the answer is to get to work, remove the obstacle, and go forward in the same direction. Other times when the path ahead becomes impossible to navigate, the answer is to pause, listen, and search for another way forward. It won't the one we expected on our carefully planned map of life, but the one that God knew we would need to find.

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

Finding your personal mission for living with more love

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are women who do our best to emulate His example, reminding others of God’s love for them. Your love, in whatever way you share it, has a ripple effect that is far-reaching and known by God.

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

How to feel content with where you are

Sometimes the holiday season, or a life season, can feel like one long to-do list of things to do, stuff to buy, places to go, people to see. Before the celebrating even begins, we feel spread thin, like we don’t have enough to give financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually.  

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