Speakers + Music

Lisa Valentine Clark

Lisa Valentine Clark is an actress, writer, producer, mother of 5 mostly grown baby adults, and host of The Lisa Show podcast on BYUradio. She loves looking at and creating art, going to concerts, hosting meals, and eating with people she loves, and doing improv with her friends. She has faith in God who she trusts will sustain her, as He has, to all good things.

Brooke Walker

Brooke Walker is a wife, mother, and TV personality. She is the host of "Studio 5 with Brooke Walker" on KSL-TV in Salt Lake City, and "Family Rules" on BYUtv.  Brooke's four kids fill up her schedule and fill her! A hard-core homebody, she loves nothing more than an empty afternoon spent with family, including her three sisters (who double as her best friends!). She believes God’s love is bigger than we realize and can empower us with greater confidence and purpose.

Kalo Latu

Kalo Latu is a sister, auntie, concert musician, private music instructor, and adjunct professor at the BYU School of Music. She has concertized across the continental US, China, and Europe both as a soloist and with her students. She is an avid reader, supporter of great performances (everything from Taylor Swift to brilliant interpretations of Bach), and lover of delicious food and enlightening conversations.  She believes God is who He says He is.

Shima Baradaran Baughman

Shima Baradaran Baughman is a professor, researcher of how religion helps solve social problems, and sharer of light on TikTok. She is a mother to five children ranging from 19 to 9 months. When she can squirrel some time away for herself, she enjoys 6am yoga, late night pickleball with her husband, and is attempting to relearn the piano. She is convinced that Jesus Christ is always the answer.

Kaylen Nelson

Kaylen Walton Nelson is a new mom, an audiobook-aholic, a lover of sleep, and a religion teacher. When she's not with her students, she enjoys being at home in her veggie garden, planting flowers, or starting -sometimes finishing- projects around the house with her husband. She's a small-town girl with a love for the gospel and a passion for sharing it. 

Taylor Ricks

Taylor Ricks-Mele is a wife, mother, author, behavior analyst, scripture enthusiast, and lead chaos coordinator. Her most cherished title is being "Momma Tay" to a large blended, beautiful, messy, and chaotic family of nine kids. She loves having fresh flowers on the countertop, hosting a house full of family and friends, and an occasional secret chocolate treat while hiding in her closet! She knows that everyday can be a good day because it is a chance to get to know Jesus a little bit better than she knew Him before.

Courtney Spencer

Courtney Spencer is a wife, mother, and the Director of Brand Partnerships for CBS Deals on CBS Morning. She is passionate about trying new things—like training for the skeleton for the Winter Olympics, even though she’d never heard of it before. While co-founding a fitness tech start-up in New York in her twenties, she joined the Church and found out through family history that she is one of 9 half-siblings. She loves being active, reading and writing, and, most of all, hearing people's stories. She strives to live after the manner of happiness.

Hilary Craner

Hilary Craner is a wife, a mom of four kids, and a small business owner. She loves sharing uplifting words and gospel teachings sprinkled with lots of good humor on Instagram. When she can take the time, she loves going for walks, hiking with her family, eating ice cream, tending to her flowers and lip syncing to her favorite songs. She believes that Jesus Christ is the only true influencer and strives to follow Him each day.

Tammy Uzelac Hall

Tammy Uzelac Hall is mom to four wildly fabulous daughters and wife to her favorite human, Jim Hall. She is the host of the LDS Living and Deseret Bookshelf Plus podcast, “Sunday on Monday.” Her love of the scriptures grew out of the years she spent as a full-time seminary and institute teacher, turning her into a lifelong student of the Hebrew language. A good flash mob makes her cry, she is a self-proclaimed champion Oreo eater, she loves cheese and believes that cheese is God’s way of saying “Hey everything is going to be OK.”

Emma Nissen

Emma Nissen is the breakout singer-songwriter, who gives us Adele vibes. She was recently invited to perform with legendary singer, songwriter, and musical director Adam Blackstone at Blue Note Jazz Club in New York City. Her performance was nothing short of phenomenal and showcased her incredible vocal talent and range as a “jazzy gospel” singer. Emma served a mission in Sweden and believes God is good and God is light.