Let’s Gather!

Join us for an event!

Join us for Lift Up Your Heart, a Magnify gathering.
It's everything you loved about Time Out for Women and more!

There are so many things coming at us! This is our day to gather as
Latter-day Saint women to remember Jesus Christ is our answer.

This is for women ages 16 and up. Bring your mom. Bring your daughter.
Bring your Relief Society sisters. Or just bring yourself.  We need each other. We need you!

Seek and Expect Miracles

Come be inspired to act on President Nelson's invitation to seek and expect miracles—the miracles of joy, courage, peace, faith, and hope that we can find in Christ.

Speakers & Music

Fill your cup with inspiring speakers, uplifting music, and encouraging conversations, all from a central stage. Plus, giveaways, an event-themed notebook and pen, and a meet and mingle.

  • Lisa Valentine Clark

  • Brooke Walker

  • Kalo Latu

  • Shima Baughman

  • Kaylen Nelson

  • Taylor Ricks

  • Hilary Craner

  • Tammy Uzelac Hall

  • Courtney Spencer

  • Emma Nissen


  • Yes! We introduced TOFW events in 2002, and it just felt like it was time for something new. So, we said goodbye to TOFW in 2022, with our 20th Anniversary Tour, and introduced Magnify. We launched with the Magnify podcast and Instagram community and now we can’t wait to rollout Magnify events!

  • Our reason for gathering is the same—to lift and strengthen each other in the restored truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to have fun doing it! With Magnify events, we’ll carry out this purpose in ways that feel both familiar and new.

  • There isn’t a city rotation for Magnify events. We look at where there is enough of an audience to support the cost of an event and use that to inform where we go. Our hope is to reach all women where they are with digital offerings.