Magnify Book Club

A way to gather, discuss, and grow in our purpose as daughters of God.

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How? Sign up for the Magnify newsletter and follow @magnifycommunity on Instagram to get updates on our latest book club pick, read along with us, and be the first to get your downloadable book club guides. Subscribe to the Magnify podcast so you don’t miss our special book club episodes.  

Yes, we meet online too!  Our next online book club gathering is October 24, 7pm MST

This month’s host:
Tammy Uzelac Hall!

Currently reading:
The Rock of
Our Redeemer

The storms of our day are frequent and tumultuous. "Now, more than ever, we need to anchor our lives to the rock of Jesus Christ." How can we, as His disciples, keep our foundations secure? Elder David A. Bednar elaborates on the intimate, powerful connection that each of us can forge with our Savior. Through daily efforts to make and keep covenants, we are empowered with bedrock faith and unshakeable hope in Him. Because of Him, "We are not, and never need be, alone."

Magnify Reading List

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