Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

60. Divine Identity Creates Unity with Shima Baughman

We’d all like to open our arms wider to include others, understand each other and avoid the divisions we see in the world around us. So how do we look at others who are different from us with, as Elder Soares puts it, “the Savior’s eyes”?

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

59. The Path Is Exciting! with Cristi Brazao

Do you hear the story of the prodigal son and relate a little too much to feeling like there is no way back? What if we thought about the covenant path being something exciting?

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

58. The Blessing of Contentment with Hilary Craner

Have you ever felt like the blessings you were praying for didn’t come in the way you wanted or even at all? Perhaps in those moments, we could ask for Heavenly Father to bless us with contentment in our situation. It takes a lot of faith to find this kind of peace, but God loves us more than we can even comprehend. So how do we tap into that love?

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

57. Trailblazing and Trail Beating with Melinda Brown

Do you ever switch between feeling like you’re either not doing enough or that you’re doing too much when it comes to the gospel? Both burnout and boredom can come with their own challenges, so what can we do to find the balance and feel assured in whatever step of the journey we are in?

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

56. The Shape of God’s Embrace with Eme Martin

Have you ever felt like you have to earn God’s love? Or maybe like you’re not sure if he really knows you? We've all been there, and it can often keep us from feeling the love God is always offering us. So how do we learn to really recognize the Savior and receive His love?

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

55. God Loves Us More Than We Will Ever Know with Reyna Aburto

Who is someone who knows you best? Our closest friends, a spouse, or a parent come to mind. Elder Phillips said in his October 2023 General Conference address “God Knows and Loves You” that we are not “cosmic orphans” so what does that mean and how do we lean into the confidence that God knows and loves us as a perfect parent?

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

54. The Family Game Plan with Brooke Walker

Do you know that feeling where you feel like you have tunnel vision? Where it’s hard to see the forest for the trees? It can be a debilitating feeling to not have an idea of the big picture when it comes to our eternal families, so how do we remind ourselves to see our lives through the “overview” lens?

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

October Magnify Book Club: Prophets See Around Corners by Sheri Dew

Welcome to The Magnify Book Club! We want YOU to be in the club, so join us here and on Instagram as we discuss what we’re reading as a community, and how these picks are inspiring new thoughts and bringing us closer to the Savior! This week, we’re focusing on Sheri Dew’s recent book Prophets See Around Corners.

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

53. Some Assembly Required with Maria Eckersley

Have you ever found that with your own spiritual gifts, the labels read “some assembly required” like the toys you used to get at Christmas? We are told that we are a spiritually gifted people! But is there an instruction manual?

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

52. The Fabulous Plan with Kaylen Nelson

Did you catch all the exclamation points in President Nelson’s invitation to “think celestial” and wonder how to apply this gusto to your own dilemmas and hardships? That’s what this episode focuses on today! In this episode of Magnify, our contributor Kaylen Nelson is sharing three main takeaways from President Nelson’s address, “Think Celestial!”

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

Season 2 Is Here!

We’re so excited to kick off our second season. And it’s going to be a good one!

This season on the podcast, we will be focusing our conversations on the spiritually saving reminders from general conference. Each week Kathryn will be joined by a Magnify contributor, who will share three takeaways that stood out to them.

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

51. Finding the Courage to Live Different with Lisa Valentine Clark

It might be more comfortable to try to blend in, but when we find the confidence to live differently than what’s popular, we find deeper trust in God and more joy in our personal identity. So how do we do it? Part of our Magnify Manifesto this year is to LIVE DIFFERENT. Perhaps instead of trying to stand out or isolate ourselves from others, we follow the Prophet's counsel to live distinct and different in happy ways by following the Savior.

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

50. The Risk to Trust God with Barbara Morgan Gardner

We’ve spent the last few months really digesting and taking in President Nelson’s message “Peacemakers Needed.” As we have talked about the attributes of a peacemaker, one comes to mind that seems to encompass the others: trust. Trust can help us feel all the other attributes of a peacemaker working in our lives when we can learn to trust the Lord, trust ourselves, and trust that peace will come from our total dependence on the Savior. So what can we do to find that trust and let it work in our lives?

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

49. The Healing Power of Forgiveness with Corrine Stokoe

Have you ever felt like forgiveness is a much easier gift to give than to receive? It can be really hard to accept that we are forgiven and move on past our mistakes. But the Lord promises in the Doctrine and Covenants that he will remember our sins no more when we sincerely ask for forgiveness. So why is it so hard?

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

48. Designed for Connection with Jenet Erickson

Have you ever described someone, or given a compliment that someone is fiercely independent? What if we switch that idea around? Not doing it all on your own doesn’t mean you’re failing. In times of feeling alone and overwhelmed, it can be helpful to remember that God meant us to have deep and personal connections with others. We were never meant to have to do everything on our own.

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Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

47. Putting on Your Heavenly Crown with Elaine Dalton

Choosing grace and poise instead of hot takes and big reactions isn’t popular in our culture, but maybe it’s just the thing we need to have more peace in our lives. When is the last time you thought about what it means to be poised? Elder Mark A. Bragg said, “poise is not spoken about much these days and practiced even less in turbulent and divisive times.” Developing poise is a deliberate way to be active peacemakers in a world where having the loudest reaction gets the most attention. Poise rises above the noise and provides us with personal, steady calmness which then allows us to create more peace in the lives of others.

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46. Let's Prepare for Peace with Brooke Walker
Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

46. Let's Prepare for Peace with Brooke Walker

What are you preparing for right now? A trip? Dinner? Getting your crew ready to go back to school? Well, in this episode, we’re talking about how to prepare for something a whole lot more fun. We’re talking about how you can prepare spiritually and physically to receive more peace.

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45. Compassion Is for Everyone with Cali Black
Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

45. Compassion Is for Everyone with Cali Black

Compassion is a call to action. It helps us reach beyond comfort zones, friend circles, and ward boundaries to serve and love like Jesus would. As we’ve been studying peacemaking, one important part of that pursuit is that peacemaking takes work. It requires action on our part.

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44. Cheering for Peace with Tammy Uzelac Hall
Kamie Fisher Kamie Fisher

44. Cheering for Peace with Tammy Uzelac Hall

Do you have a friend who can brighten your whole day because of how encouraging they are? Or perhaps you are that friend! Uplifting others is a Christlike attribute that brings so much peace to our lives, and it is one of the easiest things to do!

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