111. Just Jesus: Keeping Christ’s Light at the Center of Christmas

Do you have a mantra to get you through whatever life throws at you? Especially during Christmas, you might be repeating something like, “I can do this” or “this too shall pass” or “mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again.” And we all want to prioritize the Savior and His birth during this time of year. This season, to return to the peace of Christ, repeat this mantra: “just Jesus.”

Podcast producer is joined by Kristen McQuivey as she shares what has been on her mind regarding this new Christmas mantra she's introducing into her life. It’s inspired from Jared Halverson who shared in a video on Instagram his practices at Christmastime for letting Jesus be the light that pierces the darkness.

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112. Hang On to the Light and Don’t Let Go


110. How Contentment Makes You More Useful to God