3 short, joyful thoughts from the Nativity

Dear Friend,  

Here are three short lessons that have brought peace to our hearts as we’ve studied the Nativity story this season.  

1. Much like modern farming, shepherding was a family affair at the time of Christ’s birth. And because it was done together as families, “there would have been women and children among the shepherds in the field spoken of in the scriptures.” (Aubrey Eyre, Church News)  

Isn’t that a joyful thought? Angels came to families working together to tell them the good news. Like the shepherds, we tend to one other with such care, and we bear witness of Jesus Christ’s birth, together.  

2. Nazareth was a small, insignificant village but God saw Mary.  “He's aware of her, He's aware of her circumstances, and He has a work for her to do. And it’s a magnificent work.” (Gaye Strathern, The Magnify Podcast

Mary’s story shows us that God knows each of us personally, exactly where we are at this moment. Mary’s part reminds us that we are significant and that no matter how small, our efforts matter and are seen by our loving Heavenly Father.  

3. The Wise Men rejoiced when they found the Christ child. “And in worshipping this child, they appear to find what Mary found: they find themselves magnified by awe and joy.” (Adam Miller, The Christ Child

We orchestrate all the many wonderful traditions and activities of the season with a heart full of love for those around us. This love becomes gratitude, and gratitude becomes peaceful worship of our dear Savior. Through worship, like the Wise Men, we are filled with awe, joy, and the wonder of the season.   

Merry Christmas! 


A perspective shift for the start of the year


Questions for our next book club and for journaling