Need some help carrying your load?

Hello Friends!

Can you believe it is already the last week of February!? Why does it always feel like January lasts ten years and then February passed in a blink?

Last month at Magnify we set an intention to follow the counsel of President Nelson by making more time for God and Christ in our lives—and it made a big impact! We saw our lives transform as we made small and simple changes each day to include diving influences in our lives.

It was a good reminder that we need to be intentional in how we live, and how small things can yield huge change. Without meaning to we can wake up one day and wonder how it is already the end of February when we haven’t even noticed the month passing us by! Life gets busy! We are all carrying a lot.

Just like a month flying by without notice, our relationship with the Savior can slip away from us without us even meaning to let it go. We can change that! Let’s get intentional about getting closer to Christ! He is always there, He is constant! Let’s do our part in closing any distance that might have creeped in.

One of the ways we can do this is by inviting Christ in to help us carry and navigate what we are going through every day. Accepting help can be hard, even when it’s help from Him who freely offers it. But we have to overcome whatever the thing is causing us to hold back from accepting Christ’s full love and power in our lives.

Like Elder Ryan Olsen shared in the most recent General Conference, to whatever we are facing—”the answer is Jesus.” Here are a few things that can help us accept Christ into our lives more every day!

Things to help us accept Christ in our lives. Feel better in 5!

  1. Take accountability for the relationship.

    • God never leaves us, so when we feel distance from Him, we can look inward.

  2. Allow action to precede acceptance.

    • “As we move toward Him, we see Him more clearly.” - Neil A. Andersen

  3. Make and keep covenants.

    • “Our covenants will lead us closer and closer to Him.” - President Nelson

  4. Rely on the Atonement to navigate all parts of life, not just through times of sin and repentance.

  5. Think of Him!

    • Put up visual reminders, reminders in your phone, and create habits and rituals In your day-to-day lives that center around Him.

Above all, remember this pep-talk from Elder Uchtdor as he shared with us how he believes the Savior see us: “I believe the Savior Jesus Christ would want you to see, feel, and know that He is your strength. That with His help, there are no limits to what you can accomplish. That your potential is limitless. He would want you to see yourself the way He sees you.”

Christ wants to help us, He wants t partner with us, He wants to be close to us. Let’s make an effort to let Him!


Have you ever felt nervous to stand firm in your faith?


Feeling that January overwhelm? This will help!